Load browser Extensions

  • Load unpacked extensions

    To load an extension, click the "Load unpacked" button and select the extension folder. The extension will be loaded into the extension repository (cloud repository or local repository).

    load unpacked extension

  • Load packed extensions

    To load an extension, click the "Load packed" button and select the extension file (*.crx). The extension will be loaded into the extension repository (cloud repository or local repository).

    load packed extension

Download extensions from Chrome Web Store

  1. Search for and install the "CRX Extractor/Downloader" extension.
  2. Search for and find the extension you want to download in the Chrome Web Store. Then, enter the extension's detail page.
  3. Right-click in a blank area on the extension detail page, and click "Download CRX for this extension" to download the extension in CRX format to your local machine.

    download crx extension

  4. Now you have obtained an extension in CRX format, and you can add the CRX format extension to TeamBrowser extension repository by following the steps described earlier in "Load packed extensions".